Thursday, April 8, 2010

Poker Advice

Aggressive Players

Today we at Sports Media Network take a look at poker and offer some words from the wise or wiser than most. To begin with if you are new to the World of online poker, it is recommended that in the beginning you enter only freeroll games and it is suggested you not deposit to much until you get accustomed with the software and the way of playing poker online.

In poker whether it is online or elsewhere you should carefully select your starting hands. You do not need to play every hand that you are dealt, and if you should you will more than likely loose money in the long run. And certainly never bet all your money on the basis if one card.

It is very important that you read as many article on poker and strategy theories as you can without completing confusing your self, and therefore just give yourself time to learn the necessities. Also, try to reduce the number of mistakes that you make in your games played on a daily basis, and don’t make the mistake that you think poker is not a skill based game. Know your limits and play by a bankroll management strategy.

If you want to be a big poker player or pro, you need to possess the ability or learn to “read” the other players, and get in to their minds and thoughts, and their way of playing their hands. The advice given here are some very small, and basic advice for all. Playing Poker and gambling is hard work. Don’t let anyone tell you different. Just think about what its like sitting at a poker table with players whose only goal is to cut your throat, take your money, and leave you out talking to yourself about what went wrong. That might sound harsh, but that’s the way it is at the poker table. If you can’t believe that, then you’re the lamb that’s going off to the slaughter. Poker is a microcosm of all we admire and disdain about capitalism and democracy. It can be rough-hewn or polished, warm or cold, charitable and caring, or hard and impersonal, fickle and elusive, but ultimately it is fair, and right, and just.

If you want to learn more poker rules, strategies and get a freeroll bankroll in the mean time why not join as they are very knowledgeable of online poker players. A quote we repeat for your benefit is “Most of the money you’ll win at poker comes not from the brilliance of your own poker play, but from the ineptitude of that of your poker playing opponents.


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