Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Poker or Blackjack

Aggressive Players

Playing cards in a casino usually gives you better odds at winning than other forms of gambling. You are still at the mercy of the cards that you draw, but you can incorporate strategies into your bets.

The game of Blackjack has a basic strategy that you can follow to increase your odds of coming out ahead. After all, if you are going to gamble you should do everything that you can to boost your chances. You can use your mind to help you along in this endeavor, but nothing electronic as it is illegal.

If poker is your game then you will find an online casino poker game that fits your requirements. Texas Holdem' or Omaha Poker are the two most popular poker games today.

The best online casinos give you an enjoyable experience. You can chat with other players and perhaps pick up some pointers. The cards in Blackjack can be dealt by hand or by a "shoe" if you are at a land based casino..

The "shoe' uses a multi-deck system which increases the odds for the casino, so if you can find a game that uses one or two decks only you will be better off.

When you play at an online casino this will be a moot point as the cards are computer generated. Many of the top online casinos offer you the option to play for free then switch to playing with your own money.

When you play Blackjack you need to get comfortable with the betting options. You must know when to "hit", "stand" or "double". If you want to be "hit" you are asking for another card, while "stand" means just that you are standing with the cards you have.

Double or double down will increase your playing options and your bet. You might wait to try this option after you have the basics. Understanding your card values plus the betting techniques should get you started playing the fun game of Blackjack.

Poker is always a great game, and playing online casino poker is a cool experience. There are chat rooms that you can use to talk with other players. Normally you would think, 'so what?', but did you know that many professional card players play poker online. Some even got their start online and have gone on to become World Champions.

You could learn from some of the best Texas Holdem' or Omaha Poker players ever. The online casinos give you all the details on how to play the game, sign up bonuses, and promotions. You can have the worst poker face ever and no one will be able to tell if you are bluffing when you play online poker. Several sites offer the opportunity to play for free, and there is no charge to download either.

When you want to have an entertaining evening at home, just find the perfect online casino site. You can choose Blackjack or Poker, or enjoy both. After all, why should you have to decide between the two? When you join in a terrific game online you can indulge in the best entertainment for the money.

Get Paid To Learn From Gus Hunsen

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Best Casino Poker

Aggressive Players

The world is filled with many casinos, both live and online. Almost every major city in the world either has them or is near one.

However, picking the very best casino is difficult. All offer different strokes for different folks. However, when it comes to poker rooms, there are clear favorites that make the best casino.

No.1 - Bellagio, Las Vegas - Home of the best play and the best players, the Bellagio is hands down the best. It features the best daily tournaments and range of cash play, and this is the best place to wind up sitting at a table with a pro. The only negative is the �show one card, show both� rule which is one of the worst rules in poker.

No. 2 - Binion's, Las Vegas - A classic, and for years the home of the World Series of Poker's Main Event. A classic gaming experience.

No. 3 - Wynn, Las Vegas. Any discussion of the best casino will include the luxurious Wynn. However, it also has some of the best poker, including its Friday tournaments. A definite place to play for serious high rollers.

No. 4 - Commerce Casino, Los Angeles. It might not be the best casino, but many a poker great has cut his and her teeth at the excellent poker room.

No. 5 - The Venetian, Las Vegas. One of the most improved poker rooms, it offers two excellent tournament options most days and a very roomy setup.

No. 6 - Caesers Palace, Las Vegas. An oldie but a goodie, Caesars still offers an excellent poker setup and lots of tournaments for players of all skill levels.

No. 7 - Harrah's Rio. While other poker rooms are more classic, the Rio hosts all the World Series of poker events, giving it an air that none of the other casinos can match. It handles the event the way a great football stadium handles a Super Bowl or Churchill Downs handles the Kentucky Derby.

No. 8 - Hustler Casino, Los Angeles. This one has made the most improved list with a very nice poker room and lots of well known players.

No. 9 - MGM Grand, Las Vegas. Another large, spacey room that offers a variety of play. No real high dollar tournaments, but smaller ones are very popular and often fill. A well run room.

No 10 - The Orleans. Still one of the most underrated casinos in Vegas, the Orleans poker room remains one of the better values in the city.

Yes, there are famous rooms around the world, but in the U.S. and when it comes to poker, these are the best casinos. Many lists will include several others, but hardcores and beginners alike will flock to these rooms. The Bellagio is simply the place to be to see the biggest names in the biggest games.

If you want to make your career as a poker player and play in the best casinos, try these 10 and see if you fit in. You are sure to enjoy the experience, no matter how you do at the tables.

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Get Paid To Learn From Gus Hunsen

Things Need to Remember in Poker Games Gambling

Aggressive Players

Online poker takes a plenty of established ways to learn, and there are a few ways you can do that without spending a lot of money. some of us 'charge' for lessons by playing for money with general public trying to learn how to play poker. This is an excellent learning aid as having real money out during lessons concentrates your attention like little else will. But, there are things you need to know before you sit down at a table.

What makes us feel every time somewhere between sad and a bit 'stupid.Poker is a sport that is not only unique in the universe of table games, but is unique to the casino culture as well. With that in mind, there are a few things you should remember when entering a casino and sitting down to play Texas Hold'em, Omaha poker, or any other variation of the game. 1. First of all, when playing poker the house is cut completely out of the competitive mix. Unlike Blackjack and other table game, the odds are not skewed in favor of the house and your only worry is the rest of the opponents at the table. While this may not give a poker player a competitive advantage, it does give gambling enthusiasts a reason to give up other games in favor of online or free online poker games.

2. At many casinos the drinks are free to poker players. It is undeniable that we are in a casino, a club or at home with friends, a good glass chips next to us is perfect.It is also that perfect moment, a bit 'to cut the tension and increase the suspense,will take a few seconds pause to bring to your mouth or drink your beer, nothing to say regard.The problem, however, comes when the glasses begin to multiply, the mind relaxes,and the chips are starting to go away at a speed absolutely absurd.In short, even if poker is not exactly a piece of peach juice, eye all'alcohol if two glasses can make you feel more relaxed and ready to play, within minutes you can end up playing too loose and unable to reflect and how should you bet on the value of hands.To you to judge how this can be dangerous to the final result.

3. Playing poker in a casino is much different than playing online poker. One of the biggest differences is the lack of turnover at the tables. This means they group you start playing with will be largely intact several hours later. Players in a casino are going to have to learn to change their game up within a long session. If not, your opponents will figure you out.You can check them in Absolute Poker.

4. Finally, online players are used to a hyper-aggressive environment. This is not the style that dominates most casino poker tables. Aggressive play may bring short term success, but those who do not tighten up will wind up giving away all their chips. Those are just a few poker tips to remember when entering a casino to play some Texas Hold'em.

All we would like to become a better poker player, the problem is that often we do not know really where to start.We've read Sklansky, memorizing mathematical formulas so complex that being able to make predictions of the weather by reading coffee grounds but still could not finish a game of poker without the bitter taste that he always made that mistake there.

Find a computer poker game you like, there are a lot of inexpensive or free poker programs offering a wide variety of play styles. There are also numerous online poker sites that offer free play. Established ways at your computer before you go online, free trials are a waste of time if you haven't memorized the hands yet.

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Get Paid To Learn From Gus Hunsen