Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How The Instant Poker Bonus Comes Into Being

Aggressive Players

A majority of online casinos that offer poker as one of the games on their menus tend to offer their members some form of poker bonuses. These poker bonuses fall into two major categories, when you come to think of them. In the first category are those that can be termed as being code-based bonuses. The second category has that which can be termed as being the instant poker bonus, which is our subject of interest for this discussion.

In passing, we may mention the fact that the code-based bonuses are usually designed in such a way that, upon casino poker players doing the action that yields the bonus, the underlying system immediately generates an alphanumeric code. It is this alphanumeric code that the player then enters into the system, in order to actually get the bonus money, as born by the code. An instance of what we are talking about is like where a given online casino is giving bonuses to its poker players upon depositing playing money into their online poker accounts. So the implementation (usually a deliberate effort to make the players aware of the bonus) is such that upon their deposition of the money, the alphanumeric code is generated for them, to enter at another interface-screen, and then get the actual bonus. This system ensures that the poker players don't take the bonus for granted: that a strong impression about the whole bonus-offering business is created in their minds.

The instant poker bonus is a little different. In this instant bonus, the code generation and subsequent entry is usually eliminated, so that the bonus accrues instantly, the moment the player performs the act that is supposed to yield it. Thus, if the bonus-yielding action is the depositing of some betting money into the player's account, what happens is that the instant moment the player deposits money into that account, the bonus immediately gets added. There is no bonus code entry business here. The receipt of the bonus money is instant, hence the name instant poker bonus.

The offering of the instant bonus, like any other type of casino bonus, is in fact a marketing strategy. The idea is to motivate the recipient of the bonus towards a certain course of action, which is desirable in the face of the casino's strategic business interests. In the case of an instant bonus that accrues to the player immediately upon his registration with the casino, the objective would be to give him a chance to 'feel how nice' playing in the casino is, so that he can subsequently start paying to be playing. Where the instant bonus accrues to the player immediately upon his deposition of money into his playing account, the objective would be to get him to develop an affectionate bond with the casino (which can subsequently make it difficult for him to be attracted to other casinos).

Take note that the offering of these bonuses isn't just a matter of code-tweaking, on the part of the online poker playing rooms giving them. Rather, the casino has to make financial provisions for the bonus, knowing full well that the chances of someone winning whilst playing through the money obtained via the bonus are as just high as the chance of him winning whilst playing through money that is directly deposited.


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